Was Donald Trump a good or bad President?
Donald Trump has been widely criticized for a thousand reasons. The media has tried hard to make a lot of people dislike him. However, was he really a bad president?
Let’s look at the things he did during his term. This shouldn’t be a popularity contest, the fate of a nation and its inhabitants, as well as that of other nations, is at risk.
The Bible says ” By their fruits, you shall know them.” Mt 7: 16. We should be careful about judging others, but their actions help us determine good from bad.
- 1. During the Trump administration, the economy was the best in the United States in the 50 years prior and better than in the current administration.
- 2. President Trump protected the border and fought against child trafficking.
- 3. Protection of Minorities
- 4. He is the most pro-life president the United States has ever had.
- 5. Health improves during the Trump administration.
- 6. During the Trump Administration there was a good handling of foreign relations.
- 7. President Trump fought against Human trafficking
- 8. He is a pro-family president
- 9. President Trump supports religious freedom.
- 10. President Trump Fougth for Freedom of Expression.
- 11. Condemned radical and in-home terrorist groups.
- Conclusion:
1. During the Trump administration, the economy was the best in the United States in the 50 years prior and better than in the current administration.
Good economy and benefits for minorities
Before the pandemic, during the Donald Trump administration, the Country had the best job market since 1969, with the lowest unemployment rate. We are talking about more jobs, around 136,000 in general, and for all ethnic groups, as well as a higher minimum wage.
The overall unemployment rate fell from 3.7% to 3.5% and for Hispanics, it fell to 3.9%, which is the lowest rate in US history.
For black Americans, unemployment dropped to 5.4%, the lowest rate since 1973. Not only that, but for women unemployment, dropped to 3.1%.
The economy had an economic growth of 3% consistently. The price of gasoline and fuels remained constant. (1,2)
Trump decreased taxes on corporations from 35 to 21%, allowing repatriation of cash from abroad (3). Critics said this tax cut only benefits large companies, but this was false. Small businesses benefited as well, giving them a deduction of 20% in addition to the other deductions in the program known as the Qualified Business Income Deduction.
On the other hand, those businesses that had an annual profit of less than 25 million dollars in the last 3 years, could deduct the interest on their loans without limit. (4)
In June 2020 President Donald Trump signed an executive order that will overhaul the government’s hiring practices so that a job applicant’s skills will be given priority over a college degree.
“This will ensure that we’re able to hire based on talent and expand our universe to qualified candidates and ensure a more equitable hiring process,”
It is very difficult and expensive to access a university education. People without a university are not necessarily uneducated. This measure helps retain the best and brightest employers. (5)
Pandemic economic response.
The virus pandemic affected the economy of most of the world’s countries. The United States was no exception. Millions of jobs were lost. Donald Trump boosted the economy with support for citizens, farmers, and small businesses. It recovered 10.6 million jobs in just 4 months. An unprecedented recovery. (6, 7, 8)
2. President Trump protected the border and fought against child trafficking.
President Trump’s border policies were effective in preventing illegal immigration, but the border wall was widely criticized. (9)
However, the border wall has been effective in reducing illegal immigration, and drug and human trafficking. (10) From this, the most heartbreaking is the trafficking of innocent children for forced work, or even worse, sex trafficking.
And no, Donald Trump, does not put children in cages as the media said.
The cages were an initiative of the Obama and Biden administration. All the photos that came out on social media and in the news media, trying to create a scandal and blame Trump, were from the Obama administration when he was president. The famous girl who made the cover of the Times was never separated from her mother. (11)
President Donald Trump immediately signed an executive order to stop that from happening. Adults were separated from minors if they could not demonstrate parental authority or a family relationship with the minor.
This was to protect minors from the human trafficking that occurs at the border, where many of these kids were and are being rented. The system is abused because there is a certain preference for family units even if they entered the country illegally.
It was also made to protect them from sex trafficking. Many of the problems faced by illegal immigrants would end if they went to a port of entry instead of crossing illegally. ( 12, 13, 14)
The current administration’s policies are a total disaster leading, to an invasion and insecurity for the citizens and legal immigrants of the USA. (15) Not to mention the taxpayer money that has to be used to manage all the illegals, such as for paying hotels for them to stay. (16)
3. Protection of Minorities
Children with Autism.
On October 2, 2018, President Trump, signed the Autism Collaboration, Accountability, Research, Education and Support Act (CARES) into law Monday, which allocates $1.8 billion in funding over the next five years to help people with autism spectrum disorder and their families.
“All children grow up and become adults, and children with autism then lose their education services. But autism is a lifetime neurological disorder, and adults with autism continue to need their services.” (17)
Children with Down syndrome.
I have never seen a President supporting people with Down Syndrome like Donald Trump did.
In October 2018, President Donald Trump recognized the month as Down Syndrome Awareness with a statement celebrating the “lives of more than 250,000 Americans with Down syndrome.”
President Trump expressly condemned the extermination of those charming and innocent human beings whose only crime to deserve death is not having the same level of IQ as their executioner.(18)
All people are endowed by their Creator with dignity and the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Despite some persistent myths and stigmas, even within the medical community, our Nation strongly embraces the undeniable truth that a Down syndrome diagnosis is an opportunity to embrace God’s gifts. I stand for life – in all of its beautiful manifestations – and I, and my Administration, will continue to condemn the prejudice and discrimination that Americans with Down syndrome too often endure.(19)
I don’t know about you but this seems very inclusive and supportive of minorities. Too bad many people want to eliminate them from the womb.
On the other hand, in December 2018, the president signed the prison reform bill “First Step”. The law encourages prisoners to participate in programs to reduce the risk of drug use relapse, with the prize of getting out of jail earlier.
This will not apply to serious offenses such as firearms or sexual exploitation of children. Prisoners can earn 7 days of good behavior credit each year and old-age or terminally ill eligibility. (20)
Native tribes
On December 2019 Donald Trump signed 3 bills to support the sovereignty and culture of native tribes. The three bills include compensation to the Spokane tribe for the loss of their lands in the mid-1900s, reauthorization of funding for Native language programs, and federal recognition of the Little Shell Tribe of Chippewa Indians in Montana. (21)
Black Americans
Even though all minorities had the best economy, the president did other things that benefited minorities. In December 2019, President Donald Trump signed a bipartisan bill that would permanently provide more than $250 million a year to the nation’s historically black colleges and universities and dozens of other institutions serving large shares of minority students. (22)
4. He is the most pro-life president the United States has ever had.
Actions in favor of life
In April 2017, Trump stopped funding the UN Population Fund (UNFPA) for supporting forced abortions and involuntary sterilizations in China.
Around 32.5 million dollars that the government instead allocated to the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).
These funds did not were used for organizations that promote or perform abortions in other countries, due to a regulation reinstated by, Donald Trump. (23)
In March 2019 Mike Pompeyo (Secretary of State) announced that the United States will reduce contributions to the OAS in the expenses of activities related to abortion.
Particularly to suspend funding to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, and the Inter-American Commission of Women. Because those groups are financed by the OAS, and promote the legalization of abortion throughout Latin America. (24)
In August 2019, the Trump administration implemented a program called “Protect Life”, which redirects the budget for reproductive health. Family control clinics (providing ultrasound services, pregnancy support, prevention, sex education, etc.) must be physically separated from abortion centers, so in order to receive federal funds from the program known as Title X.
Planned Parenthood refused to do so, thereby losing 60 million dollars a year of taxpayer money. Title X funds are designed for low-income citizens to receive health services, some of which are provided by Planned Parenthood (PP).
Although tax money cannot directly fund abortions, these funds indirectly serve the same purpose in the case of Planned Parenthood. (25)
In August 2019, the Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, and the Secretary of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, Alex Azar, sent a letter to foreign governments requesting their support for the world summit on “universal health coverage ”, To discuss climate control and medical care issues, which was held on September 23.
To address the pro-abortion proposals promoted by the United Nations (UN), seconded by the European Union (EU ). (26,27) Alex Azar, asked the United Nations to remove pro-abortion language from UN documents:
“We do not support references to ambiguous terms and expressions, such as sexual and reproductive health and rights in U.N. documents, because they can undermine the critical role of the family and promote practices, like abortion, in circumstances that do not enjoy international consensus and which can be misinterpreted by U.N. agencies,” Such terms do not adequately take into account the key role of the family in health and education, nor the sovereign right of nations to implement health policies according to their national context. There is no international right to an abortion and these terms should not be used to promote pro-abortion policies and measures. Further, we only support sex education that appreciates the protective role of the family in this education and does not condone harmful sexual risks for young people.We therefore request that the U.N., including U.N. agencies, focus on concrete efforts that enjoy broad consensus among member states. To that end, only documents that have been adopted by all Member States should be cited in U.N. resolutions. (28)
In making his statement, Azar asked other countries to join the coalition, made up of the United States, Bahrain, Belarus, Brazil, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Egypt, Guatemala, Haiti, Hungary, Iraq, Libya, Mali, Nigeria, Poland, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, United Arab Emirates and Yemen. ( 29)
In June 2019, the Pinterest account of the pro-life organization Live Action (led by Lila Rose), was suspended. They have had similar difficulties with Twitter, YouTube, and Ticktock, as their accounts were closed or monetization removed. President Donald Trump personally allowed Lila to speak out at the White House in July 2019. (30)
January 22, 2020, was established by President Donald Trump as the National Day for the Sanctity of Human Life:
Every person — the born and unborn, the poor, the downcast, the disabled, the infirm, and the elderly — has inherent value. Although each journey is different, no life is without worth or is inconsequential; the rights of all people must be defended. On National Sanctity of Human Life Day, our Nation proudly and strongly reaffirms our commitment to protect the precious gift of life at every stage, from conception to natural death. (31)
The date was the anniversary of the Supreme Court decision of January 22, 1973, known as Roe vs. Wade, which approved abortion in the United States. (32)
On January 24, 2020, the Department of Health and Human Services announced that California was violating federal law by trying to force churches to pay for abortions. Through the Office for Civil Rights, a notice was issued in which the state of California has 30 days to inform whether it will continue with this conduct or take corrective action.
Donald Trump mentioned in this regard:
“No one in America should be forced to pay for or cover other people’s abortions,” said Roger Severino, Director of OCR. “We are putting California on notice that it must stop forcing people of goodwill to subsidize the taking of human life, not only because it’s the moral thing to do, but because it’s the law.” (33)
On February 2020 in the State of the Union, President Trump introduced Ellie Schneider who was born at 21 weeks 6 days and managed to survive in St Luke’s hospital. Trump asked Congress to provide an additional $ 50 million for neonatal screening and block third-trimester abortion.
“Whether we are Republican, Democrat, or Independent, surely we must all agree that every human life is a sacred gift from God!” (34).
On September 25, 2020, Donald Trump signed the executive order “Born alive”, in which it does not matter the circumstances, (such as a failed abortion) if a baby is born alive, it cannot be abandoned and everything possible must be done to preserve that life. (35 )
Participation in the March for Life
On January 24, 2020, Vice President Mike Pence was in Rome because he met with Pope Francis to speak about the pro-life cause. (36) Through the Catholic television station EWTN in Rome, he addressed the people gathered at the March for Life. Likewise, President Donald Trump attended the march and offered the following message:
The full speech can be found here:
This was the first march that Trump attended, however, it is not the first in which he addressed the march. On January 19, 2018, together with Vice President Mike Pence, they directed a message via satellite video from the WhiteHouse Rose Garden (37).
In 2019 Vice President Mike Pence surprised the march and addressed the attendees, along with a video of President Trump. (38 )
Pro-life Support for President Trump
On February 14, 2020, 50 pro-life organizations from Latin America (Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Panama, Venezuela, Ecuador, Colombia, Peru, Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, Chile, Bolivia, and Uruguay) as well as from Spain sent a letter to President Donald Trump, thanking him for his actions on pro-life, matters and asking him not to give in to international pressure. (39)
On August 26, 2020, at the Republican convention, Abby Johnson, who has always shown her support for the president, gave an excellent and memorable speech. She shared her experience working in the abortion industry and also the reason why she now defends life and how she helps former workers in the abortion industry.
Overturn of Roe vs Wade
The best and most exciting pro-life legacy that President Trump made was the overturn of Roe vs Wade on June 24, 2022 (solemnity of the birth of St John the Baptist).
I know he was no longer president, but without him, his work, and his decisions, this would never have happened. Of course, we should especially thank the brave justices of the Supreme Court (some of whom he appointed), for this miracle. He promised this in his campaign, and he delivered. (40,41)
Update on the 2024 election
The Trump administration, as you can see, was very pro-life. He delivered on the promises he made to his Christian pro-life base who elected him. I couldn’t be more proud of him, and I look forward to voting for his reelection.
I never expected to see the overturning of Roe vs Wade in my lifetime. President Trump made this possible through his Supreme Court appointments. Recently, and unfortunately, President Trump has made some very disappointing comments about the topic of abortion and about one state legislation being too pro-life.
I don’t know if this is a political strategy or if he really meant those comments. I do not think he will garner more center-left votes with this position, and he could lose part of his base due to this.
At the end of the day, it is our job to keep voting pro-life in our states, to keep changing hearts and minds about the abortion topic, and to remind and push President Trump on what his base wants.
5. Health improves during the Trump administration.
President Donald Trump did good things to improve the healthcare system.
President Trump signed an executive order to expand Americans’ healthcare options and promote market competition. This order led to actions to improve the nation’s health sector and help middle-class families.
Expanded access to more affordable coverage and increased options for employers to offer health insurance to their workers. Many of these changes essentially reversed Obama administration restrictions intended to force everyone into one-size-fits-all plans. Obama administration severely restricted short-term plans.
These plans are not subject to ObamaCare’s costly mandates, so they are more affordable for millions of people. The Trump administration reversed the Obama administration’s restrictions, allowing millions of Americans the ability to purchase quality insurance that better meets their needs.
He also made it easier for small businesses to band together and obtain the same regulatory advantages that large employers receive when they offer insurance. While a dozen Democratic attorneys general are leading a lawsuit to take away this opportunity, the administration is fighting back in the courts.
Starting Jan. 1, 2020, a new rule permitted employers to offer health reimbursement arrangements (HRA) to pay premiums for plans that employees select in the individual market. Employees did not need to pay federal income or payroll tax on HRA contributions. The Trump administration’s HRA rule gave workers greater control and choice. It also made it easier for workers to keep their plans when they change jobs.
The Trump administration also changed a tax policy to help the chronically ill, making saving for future expenses easier. For example, previous IRS rules prevent diabetics from putting money in health savings accounts (HSAs) if they have a plan that covers insulin before the plan deductible is met. Trump’s rule change allowed people with these plans to make contributions to their HSA (42)
In July 2020, Donald Trump signed 4 executive orders to lower the price of medicines and increase access to life-saving medicines like insulin.
The first order directed federally qualified health centers to pass along massive discounts on insulin and epinephrine from drug companies to low-income Americans.
The second order allows the safe, legal importation of prescription drugs from Canada and other countries where the price for identical drugs is lower.
The third order prohibits secret deals between drug manufacturers and pharmacy “benefit manager” middlemen, ensuring patients directly benefit from available discounts at the pharmacy counter.
The fourth order ensures that the United States pays the lowest price available for Medicare Part B drugs among economically advanced countries. The United States often pays 80 percent more for these drugs than other developed nations. (43)
Regarding the much-criticized coronavirus response, I have to say that President Trump imposed strict restrictions on travel from China on January 31, 2020, long before other leaders recognized that it was necessary. Which the Democrats criticized.
Then, when the virus began to spread, President Trump immediately mobilized the military to build huge new hospital facilities in New York City and elsewhere, and there were soon enough beds. President Trump convinced American industry leaders to accelerate ventilator manufacturing and soon there were enough of them.
For the reopening, President Trump left the decision to local governors and other local officials who are better aware of the different situations in their individual locations. The USA is one of the countries in which more tests were done than in any other.
Additionally, President Trump, working with Congress, swiftly approved three coronavirus relief packages, with the result that millions of Americans continued to receive pay even though their workplaces were temporarily closed. (44)
6. During the Trump Administration there was a good handling of foreign relations.
No wars in 4 years
One of the best achievements of President Trump’s administration in my opinion is not starting a new war. Despite the media alarming everybody, saying that he was crazy and would start the Third World War any second.
This was nothing but cheap sensationalism. Yet, he brilliantly managed important foreign relations and conflicts, while at the same time having a peaceful administration. Not many presidents in the USA have been able to pride themselves on not starting wars. (45)
Fight against terrorism
Trump was successful in early January when Trump authorized a drone strike to kill the Iranian terrorist leader Qassem Soleimani, Commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps-Quds Force (IRGC-QF).
The White House established that at the direction of President Donald J. Trump, the United States conducted a counterterrorism operation in Yemen that successfully eliminated Qasim al-Rimi, a founder and the leader of al-Qa’ida in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) and a deputy to al-Qa’ida leader Ayman al-Zawahiri. Rimi joined al-Qa’ida in the 1990s, working in Afghanistan for Osama bin Laden,” (46)
President Trump fought terrorism without war. Many people were against these measures, claiming that they did not want war, that they were against it. Fortunately, he was a president who did not wage war like the rest of the presidents of this century. The counterpart is Obama and Clinton who armed and financed the terrorist group Isis. (47)
He was a pro-Israel and pro-Jewish President.
If we pay attention to history, we will realize that whoever treats the Jews badly, being God’s chosen people, has a bad time later. It’s in the Bible after all.
And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.
Genesis 12:3
Trump took it upon himself to fight anti-Semitism. It’s funny how some people are certain that Trump is equal to Hitler or a true Nazi. This seemed illogical since his daughter Ivanka, son-in-law Jared Kushner, and grandchildren are Jewish. (48)
In late 2017 Donald Trump announced his intention to move the US embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. A decision that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu previously defended. (49) Trump also celebrated Hanukkah at the White House after the announcement. (50)
In 2019 Donald Trump sent blessings to the Jewish people on behalf of himself and his wife Melania before the holidays of Yom Kippur, the traditional Day of Atonement. (51)
In late 2019, Donald Trump issued an executive order invoking Title Six of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to combat anti-Semitic rhetoric on college campuses. Title Six prohibits discrimination based on race, color, and national origin in programs, and activities that receive federal financial assistance.
The Department of Education could cut federal funding for institutions that do not remedy anti-Semitic incidents that fall under the title. (52)
In January 2020 Trump issued a message, on the International Day of Remembrance of the Holocaust. The message included:
“On International Holocaust Remembrance Day, we remember the millions of precious souls who perished as a result of the horrific crimes perpetrated by the Nazi regime. We also reaffirm our steadfast commitment to confronting the vile poison of anti-Semitism wherever and whenever it arises. ”(53)
Peace Treaty and Nobel Prize Nomination.
On August 13, 2020, Donald Trump announced a historic peace treaty between Israel and the United Arab Emirates. (54). This agreement was signed on September 15, 2020.
This agreement earned him a nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize. He subsequently received a second nomination for normalizing economic relations between Serbia and Kosovo. President Trump received a third nomination by a group of Australian teachers. (55)
Something that is a fact is that Donald Trump did not wage war like previous administrations or when Obama, who won the Nobel Peace Prize, invaded 7 countries. (56)
North Korea
In April 2018, President Donald Trump made public that North Korea had agreed to suspend all testing of its nuclear weapons and shut down its test site. Mike Pompeo made a trip to North Korea to meet with Kim Jong-un in person. (57)
In March 2019, the administration of President Donald Trump demanded that the dictator Kim Jong-un destroy his nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons before receiving any sanction. (58)
In June 2019, President Donald Trump met with North Korean dictator Jong-un to greet him. He made history by being the first president to set foot in North Korea despite decades of conflict between the 2 nations.
The meeting took place in the demilitarized zone between North Korea and South Korea. Kim mentioned that “The Excellent Relationship with Donald Trump made this possible. (59)
Trump’s assumption that NAFTA devastated American workers was correct as nearly 5 million jobs have been cut from the economy since the treaty was enacted. (60) In January 2020, President Trump finally signed the new Mexico-United States-Canada treaty.
The USMCA has several measures designed to protect American workers and stimulate economic growth, including increased automobile manufacturing in the United States, balancing daily imports and exports with Canada, and providing protections for Mexican workers that will allow them to earn better wages.
The House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed the treaty in December with a vote of 385-41. The Senate approved it with a vote of 89-10 in early January.
The bipartisan support was a huge triumph for the Trump administration amid the Democrat lead impeachment. Many Democrats who supported the impeachment also congratulated him for negotiating the new standards. (61)
In conclusion, the USMCA trade agreement signed by US President Donald Trump linking the United States, Mexico, and Canada, would offer hundreds of thousands of jobs and boost the economy of the three countries. (62)
On March 26, 2020, The Department of Justice announced criminal charges against Venezuela’s Nicolas Maduro and members of his cabinet for narco-terrorism. Maduro’s regime coordinated the movement of drugs from Venezuela to cartels and worked with foreign terrorist organization designees such as Colombia’s Revolutionary Armed Forces (FARC).
The U.S. Department of State announced a reward of $15 million for information leading to Maduro’s arrest, and a $10 million reward for National Assembly President Diosdado Cabello Rondón, former head of military intelligence General Hugo Carvajal Barrios, General Clíver Alcalá Cordones, and industry minister Tareck Zaidan El Aissami Maddah. (63)
7. President Trump fought against Human trafficking
President Trump proclaimed January as National Month for the Prevention of Human Trafficking and Slavery. (64)
“Human trafficking erodes personal dignity and destroys the moral fabric of society. It is an affront to humanity that tragically reaches all parts of the world, including communities across our Nation. Each day, in cities, suburbs, rural areas, and tribal lands, people of every age, gender, race, religion, and nationality are devastated by this grave offense. During National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month, we reaffirm our unwavering commitment to eradicate this horrific injustice.My Administration is committed to using every available resource, strengthening strategic partnerships, collaborating with State, local, and tribal entities, and by introducing innovative anti-trafficking strategies to bring the full force of the United States Government to help end this barbaric practice once and for all. In January 2019, I was proud to sign both the Frederick Douglass Trafficking Victims Prevention and Protection Reauthorization Act and the Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act, reaffirming our commitment to preventing trafficking in all forms”. (65)
President Trump signed the Frederick Douglass Trafficking Victims Prevention and Protection Reauthorization Act, authorizing $430 million to fight sex and labor trafficking.(66) In August 2020 he authorized more than $35 million in Justice Department grants to organizations that provide safe housing for victims of human trafficking. (67)
On September 21, 2020, Attorney General Bill Barr said the federal government awarded more than $100 million in grants to target human trafficking. (68)
It was during the administration of President Donald Trump, that several people who represented a real threat to society such as Harvey Weinstein, Jeffrey Epstein, and Ghislaine Maxwell were put in jail.
I doubt they would have been arrested during the Clinton or Obama administrations, as I suspect they are part of the same mafia or at least they protect each other.
8. He is a pro-family president
The United States is the only Country in the developed world that does not require paid maternity leave. The employee must negotiate this benefit with their employers. The time of the leave is established in the law, but not the payment during that time.
In May 2017, in the framework of “Women’s Health Week,” President Donald Trump announced that he supports working families to have paid leave and improvements in health services for women. He gave them support so that both working fathers and mothers could take family leave with pay.(69)
President Trump proclaimed the week of November 24-30, 2019, as National Family Week, following a decades-long tradition of recognizing the importance of family during Thanksgiving week.
He identified the family as the “Rock of our Nation” and took many steps in his administration to assist and strengthen families. All this included doubling tax credits, calling for family leave, and working to remove the era of anti-conscience regulations of the Obama administration in adoption agencies. He also signed the pro-Family act first. (70)
On December 20, 2019, President Donald Trump finally signed the family leave for federal workers (71)
In the State of the Union, President Trump said:
As we support America’s moms and dads, I was recently proud to sign the law providing new parents in the Federal workforce paid family leave, serving as a model for the rest of the country. Now, I call on Congress to pass the bipartisan Advancing Support for Working Families Act, extending family leave to mothers and fathers all across the Nation. Forty million American families have an average $2,200 extra thanks to our child tax credit. I have also overseen historic funding increases for high-quality child care, enabling 17 States to serve more children, many of which have reduced or eliminated their waitlists altogether. And I sent the Congress a plan with a vision to further expand access to high-quality childcare and urge you to act immediately. (72)
9. President Trump supports religious freedom.
Obama persecuted The Little Sisters of the Poor, and he wanted to force churches and schools to accept gender ideology. Both Obama and Clinton wanted to force Christians to pay for the abortion industry.
That was the reason Christians in general voted for Trump. (73) No other president had defended the Faith like President Trump.
In January 2018, the Department of Health and Human Services, in the Civil Rights Division, announced the formation of a new Division of Religious Freedom and Conscience. This is to defend the fundamental and inalienable right of Religious Freedom and Conscience. (74 ).
This agency will protect Doctors, nurses, and other health workers who refuse to take part in procedures, such as abortion, due to moral and religious objections. (75)
On October 2019 President Trump met and prayed at the White House with around 50 Faith leaders, including conservative Christian pastors and Evangelists. Leaders discussed the accomplishments of this Administration for Americans and how the communities they represent have been benefiting from these important policies. (76)
On January 16, 2020, National Day of Religious Freedom, surrounded by students who had suffered religious discrimination. President Trump presented an updated guide establishing the “Right to Pray.”
“There is a growing totalitarian impulse on the left that seeks to punish, restrict, and even prohibit religious expression. We are not only defending our constitutional rights, we are also defending religion itself, which is under attack, ”Trump said. (77)
During the holidays, Trump wished the Country “Merry Christmas” instead of “Happy Holidays” Recovering the Christian origin of Christmas. (78) On February 26, 2020, he wished Christians a happy Ash Wednesday. (79)
On March 13, 2020, he declared:
On April 10, 2020, he took part in a blessing at the White House on the occasion of Easter during the coronavirus pandemic.
During the coronavirus quarantine, on May 22, 2020, several governors refused to open churches, although other businesses could be opened. Donald Trump took action on the matter and ordered the churches to be opened, as they are essential.
All of this has won him the support of religious leaders, such as Cissie Graham, Billy Graham’s granddaughter. Or the famous letter from Archbishop Vígano that he sent to Donald Trump, about how both of them are in the same battle. One against the deep state, the other against the deep church. (80)
10. President Trump Fougth for Freedom of Expression.
Many people have complained in recent years about the censorship that occurs on social media. They follow an agenda and if you go against that agenda, they censor you based on the dubious “community rules”, without the right to reply. It has happened to many of us, including Donald Trump.
That is why President Donald Trump signed an executive order in May 2020 to prevent social media from suppressing free expression by censoring voices that are uncomfortable for them. (81) Free expression is a fundamental right of all human beings, and it is not right for it to be violated by social networks, or by anyone.
Ironically, while still the sitting president of the United States, Trump was banned from all social media. Social media has too much power, and something has to be done about this censorship. Otherwise, we are in George Orwell’s 1984.
11. Condemned radical and in-home terrorist groups.
In the first presidential debate of the 2020 election, the media went crazy because according to them the president did not denounce white supremacists.
Donald Trump had denounced them on many occasions but the media did not care, they continued with their narrative.
In the following video, you can see the statements that Donald Trump has made in this regard.
On the other hand, we have Joe Biden saying that Antifa is an idea. No, Antifa is a very real international organization that has been burning cities, and causing riots in various cities in the United States lately. We all saw how Joe Biden was unable to condemn them because he was with them. Antifa is terrorism at home.
Despite the disappointing comments President Trump has made on the abortion topic, I still think he is the best option for the 2024 election. He will save lives in other ways due to his policies, and he is still the most pro-life candidate that has a realistic chance of winning the presidency.
I hope this information is useful, and that you also do your research since that is the best way to be informed.